Disability Accessibility

Consulting and Planning

Designing for access is humanist.

Designing for access is innovation.

A light-skinned person works at a desk using an adaptive device.
A woman in hijab and backback talks on the phone. They are using crutches. Behind them in an office space.

Accessibility is never solely about ADA compliance.

Accessible practices improve the ability of your disabled employees to do their jobs and your organization's reach to disabled clients.

As a disabled person with an architecture degree, a design background, and experience creating accessible media and events, I am prepared to assist you in achieving your accessibility goals for your organization, event, or private space.

Whether your access concerns are digital, environmental, or interpersonal, I will guide you through the disability accessibility process.

  1. We begin by comprehensively analyzing the obstacles and users who require access to your organization, content, or event.

  2. I assess the resources needed and what adaptations must be made so disabled individuals can navigate the space, content, or job.

  3. We collaborate to co-create an accessibility program that allows people of all types to perform and engage equally.

  4. We will strategize implementing the adaptive program and future monitoring to ensure its success.

Disability Access Offerings

  • My auditing process begins by assessing your internal practices, environmental accommodations, marketing content, and objectives so I can provide accessibility recommendations tailored to your specific needs. A comprehensive accessibility audit of internal practices, environmental accommodations, and marketing content includes:

    • Full assessment of your current accessibility practices (policies, digital presence, physical spaces)

    • A detailed report outlining the current status of accessibility

    • Implementation roadmap with actionable steps and resources for improvement

    • One follow-up virtual consultation to discuss the report

    • Half Day (2-3 hours): $800

    • Full Day (4-6 hours): $1,500

    • Extended Auditing (Multiple Sessions): Custom pricing based on the size and complexity of the organization

      • Example: Larger businesses with multiple locations may require ongoing auditing or follow-up sessions to implement changes over time. Retainers for longer-term audits can start at $3,000 per quarter.

  • Social media is integral to a business presence, and accessibility in the virtual world matters. Much of social media is inaccessible to disabled people. As a skilled accessibility designer, I will provide you and your staff with accessible social media content training. I can also create accessible content that integrates your message, brand, and voice. Media resources are among the most impactful areas where we can address accessibility and reduce discrimination - improving your practice won’t go unnoticed.


    • Training for staff on creating accessible social media content (covering alt text, captions, color contrast, etc.)

    • Analysis of your current social media platforms for accessibility gaps

    • Creation of accessible social media content that integrates your brand and messaging.

    • Optional follow-up sessions to ensure continued accessibility improvements.

    • Training (2 hours): $500

    • Content Creation (Monthly Package): Starting at $1,000 per month for ongoing content creation, with custom rates based on volume and frequency

      • This includes creating 10-15 pieces of accessible content per month, alt text for images, video captions, and more.

    • Consulting Package: $800 (includes assessment + a 1-hour training session for staff)

  • I review your marketing content, web presence, social media accounts, advertising, and other publications to ensure language and image standards are sensitive to and inclusive of the disability community and avoid representational oversight. Our language choices reach or alienate communities - let’s ensure you reach far and wide.


    • Review of marketing content, web presence, social media accounts, and advertising.

    • Editing and recommendations for inclusive language, imagery, and messaging that supports disability representation.

    • Suggestions for improving accessibility through layout and structure.

    • Rate: $100/hour for editing and copywriting services.

    • Project-Based Pricing: Custom quotes depending on the scope (e.g., $500 for a complete review of a website or marketing campaign)

  • I provide accessibility support through every stage of event planning for events of any size. From choosing an accessible event space, preparing accessible materials and presentations, and curating environments for sensory needs, I offer guidance to make your event more inclusive for disabled people. Ensure your events are inclusive and accessible at every stage of planning.


    • Guidance on choosing accessible venues.

    • Preparation of accessible materials (presentations, handouts, etc.).

    • Sensory-friendly event setup and design.

    • Ongoing consultation throughout the event planning process

    • Half Day (2-3 hours): $800

    • Full Day (4-6 hours): $1,500

    • Custom Package: Custom pricing for events with ongoing or extensive consultation needs (e.g., multi-day events or large-scale conferences)

      • Example: $3,000 for comprehensive support covering planning, day-of-event oversight, and post-event review.

  • An accessibility handbook or guide is a public resource that allows people with disabilities to preview a location or event before the event itself. The handbook assists disabled people in building strategies and plans to optimize their positive experience in the environment.

    The aim is to provide comprehensive and detailed information, minimizing unexpected barriers. An accessibility handbook might cover parking, entrances, ramp locations, accessible bathrooms, quiet spaces, and other accessibility factors. I can provide the content or a full-spectrum product to get your handbook web and print-ready, including layout and design.


    • Collection of detailed information on accessibility features (parking, entrances, bathrooms, sensory-friendly spaces, etc.)

    • Handbook layout and design for print or web use

    • Collaboration with venue/event coordinators to ensure accuracy and completeness

    • Handbook Design (Basic): $1,200 (includes content and layout for a standard-sized venue or event)

    • Handbook Design (Extended): $2,000 (for larger or more complex venues/events requiring additional detail and design work)

    • Optional Add-On: Ongoing updates to the handbook ($250 per update)

  • I deliver training and workshops on accessibility, inclusion, and disability. We build your self-confidence around disability issues so you can make informed choices that enhance relationships with the disabled community. Topics can include DEI, ableism, a history of disability and the ADA, structuring an accommodations plan, social media accessibility, planning accessible events, and supporting disabled people at work or in academia.


    • Customizable workshops on topics such as DEI, ableism, disability history, and structuring accommodations

    • Social media accessibility, event planning, or supporting disabled individuals in the workplace or academia.

    • Interactive exercises, case studies, and practical tools for implementation

    • Half Day (2-3 hours): $750

    • Full Day (4-6 hours): $1,400

    • Custom Workshop Series: Custom pricing based on the number of sessions and group size

      • Example: $2,500 for a series of 4 workshops over a month.